Girl Scout Ambassador Alex writes about her experience as a member of the Girl Planning Board for Great Escape, November, 2009.
In the spirit of a dedicated Girl Scout, I immediately accepted when my troop leader asked if I'd like to help out with something called the Great Escape Planning Board. I didn't know what an adventure it would turn out to be!
The planning board met every other Wednesday at either the Balboa or Escondido service centers. Quite a few of us worked together, pitching in our ideas and trying to make this thing great. Our adult leaders were Gabby Coburn and Rea De La Cruz, two Girl Scout staff members who are worth their weight in gold. (I swear they didn't bribe me with Girl Scout Cookies to say that!) They helped us organize our thoughts and plans and put them into action, while encouraging us to throw ourselves into it and be the best we could be.
The theme we decided on for the weekend was "Film Festival." Each troop picked a movie and represented it in their swaps and activities.
All of the Planning Board-created activities related to classic films in some way or another, and provided instant conversation starters during the weekend. Echoes of, "Oh my gosh, remember that part when so-and-so did such-and-such?" could be heard all over both camps. Girls and leaders alike learned more about themselves, others, and the world around them.
All in all, I believe that being on the Great Escape Planning Board was a truly worthwhile experience. I got to be part of a group, contribute ideas, organize and communicate with peers, explore my limits, and be a part of nature. But hey, that's what being a Girl Scout is all about.
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