"We loved it all! Most of our girls couldn't make it but my daughter and I went (and my honorary Girl Scout son! LOL) and it was incredible!! Our first time. I lead a Kindergarten Daisy Troop but we will definitely be going every year.
When they played "Proud to be an American" I was bawling, probably looked like insane but my husband is deployed to Iraq right now so that was hard, my son cried too.
We got pictures with the Admiral and with General Bailey, the kids loved all the men and women in uniform.
It reminds us why we have to let their Daddy go.
It was an amazing ceremony!! I loved seeing the Coast Guard helicopter pick up the cookies, that woman [Petty Officer 2nd Class Megan Mansfield-Smith] is amazing! My daughter can't wait to be her now. :)"
Shaylynn, Troop Leader