Well, we want all Girl Scouts in San Diego and Imperial Valley to have those same great memories.
So every year, we think about ways to help more girls go to camp, especially girls who have never had the camp experience.
This year, we're trying something new with summer camp fees.
We've started a three-tiered fee structure that allows every family to choose the camp fee that work best for them and their and financial situation. It's something new for us--and it's working pretty well.
In most cases, families are selecting either the middle or high tier, because that's what they can afford and are used to spending.
In other cases, families are using the lowest fee, and are sending their daughter to camp, maybe for the first time. In other cases, they're choosing the lowest fee, but are now able to send their daughter to two camps instead of one.
We're happy with the results, and hoping to see even more girls come to camp this year. We have a lot of great day camp and resident camp programs. Something for everyone.
Learn more about Summer Camp 2010. And let us know what you think!
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