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Girl Scouts, San Diego-Imperial Council Blog
Recently, an eager group of Girl Scouts joined San Diego council staff and experienced the excitement of Indian life in the global atmosphere of Sangam: Indian food, outdoor markets, sari shopping, famous sites and Indian art with 11 of their Girl Scout sisters.
This is the last post from Karina, one of the Girl Scouts who just returned from the trip of a lifetime! Enjoy -- and let is know what you think! I am lucky and blessed and grateful for what I have. And I admire the deep spirit that Indian people have. I look up to their simple, austere and peaceful lives.
I am sixteen, and I know I wouldn’t have seen this experience the same way if I’d had nine or ten. It’s really nice when you’re a little camping girl scout. But as you grow older and mature you acquire the responsibility to open your eyes, and your heart, to others. If it wasn’t for Girl Scouts, maybe I would’ve never been to India. Maybe I would not even care for anyone who’s not me. Maybe I would only be dedicating interest and commitment to me and not those who need it.
But we have been talking about differences, and I’m different. I’m different because I care, I don’t like being just what I am right now. I need more than that. I need new experiences, new adventures; to be there for whoever needs me, and I know there will always be something that I can do. I believe those differences become similarities between leaders. Right now, I’m looking for that. Or maybe even more.
Recently, an eager group of Girl Scouts joined San Diego council staff and experienced the excitement of Indian life in the global atmosphere of Sangam: Indian food, outdoor markets, sari shopping, famous sites and Indian art with 11 of their Girl Scout sisters. Enjoy this third post from Karina, one of the Girl Scouts who just returned from the trip of a lifetime! Enjoy -- and let is know what you think! But my favorite part was our movie star status.
Since we weren’t in the touristy area, we were kind of the tourist attraction for locals. Kids kept waving and staring at us, and they were more than excited when they saw our cameras (they even posed for the cameras!) (Like, seriously, they DID ask for pictures and pose).
And yes, we saw kids begging. For food and money…but that was kind of expected. What was unexpected was that some kids approached us to touch us. They asked for a hand squeeze and then they stared at their hands. I wasn’t that much of an impact since my skin is a bit dark, but Alyssa (a blond, blue-eyed girl from Nebraska who was a part of our destination group) stole the spotlight. She was the hit between the cute little dark haired Indian kids with dark skin, who weren’t used to the opposite of blending-in-visitors. Like us! But we loved them and they loved us, one day a girl walked by and she gave me a flower! People there are kind, friendly and they kept asking if we wanted some Chai tea…and they made us feel like Angelina Jolie.
And like her, we discovered that some people live in misery; in houses that are more like tin and cardboard put together and I’m not generalizing or saying that the majority of houses are like that, but they do exist. What I can say is that overall people are HAPPY. It’s something I sensed since the first day of our journey, when I saw that little girl running around barefoot in the mud near the pile of rotten food. She was laughing. That family in that slum in Mumbai, they were sitting around a little fire inside a tent, their home, because it was rainy outside…and they were laughing.
It was hard. Taking all in, the culture shock and everything. Seeing how the world is. Just stepping outside of my own bubble and trying to get inside that skinny armless beggar’s bubble. Just attempting to even imagine being in his…he wasn’t wearing shoes.
Next, what Karina learned from her expereince.
Recently, an eager group of Girl Scouts joined San Diego council staff and experienced the excitement of Indian life in the global atmosphere of Sangam: Indian food, outdoor markets, sari shopping, famous sites and Indian art with 11 of their Girl Scout sisters.
Enjoy this series of posts from Karina, one of the Girl Scouts who just returned from the trip of a lifetime! This is number two out of four installments. Enjoy -- and let is know what you think!
WAGGGS (World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts) has four world centers: Sangam is one of them (the other three are in México, Switzerland and England). GSUSA is a part of WAGGGS. Any of the 10 million members of WAGGGS can stay in a world centre. When we arrived we filled out paperwork and went straight to bed… after taking our shoes off before entering the dorm. Wondering about the shoes part? It is a social rule to remove your footwear if you’re walking into a house, temple, etc. So if you go to India then do NOT use knee-high Converse (none of us did but just saying).
We had a blast in Pune, the city where Sangam is. Pune is in Maharastra, a state whose capital is India’s largest city, Mumbai. The state is located in the west side of India, and has a population of almost 98 million people. Pune is Maharastra’s 2nd largest city, with four million inhabitants and streets full of trucks, motorcycles, bicycles, cows, goats, cars, pedestrians and rickshaws (three wheeled kind of motorcycles which are like taxi cabs and are supposed to fit only three persons). In Sangam, we were mixed up with visitors from Canada, Australia, Nashville and Michigan to be divided in patrols, which were our teams. We got to share adventures, laughs and exhausting walks together.
The program we all did included some challenges (The Amazing Race with “chikoos” and rupees blending in). For example, on the “Wadi Challenge” we found out that you could buy like six bananas for a bit less than a dollar; on our way to Ganesh’s Temple (hindi god with an elephant head). We found a two story internet café (the ceiling on the 2nd story was about 5’2 feet high), the computers were powered by car batteries that were piled up next to me…cost 10 rupees an hour! (about 25 cents).
On another challenge, we went to Laxmi Road, with its markets and shops and alleys. Like the bangle alley! With shops covered with bangles of all colors. Random fact: traditionally in the state of Maharastra, green bangles indicate that a woman is married. There are other ways that show if a woman is married: if she wears toe rings, a red bindi (dot on the forehead), a Mangalsutra (necklace with black beads and gold pendants), etc.
We had fun shopping, but cool bangles do not compare to the main course: SARIS. Have you seen those somehow-tied-up dresses that Indian women wear? Well, shopping for those is another level of shopping…it’s looking at walls COVERED in hundreds of 6 yard-long pieces of fabric that are gorgeous and colorful and of all designs and price ranges and they call you and captivate you because there’s a fan in the shop and the fabric flows in the wind…and suddenly you just purchased a sari.
But then there’s a problem, I mean, your sari can feel lonely so before you realize it you also bought a new Punjabi (dress, scarf and pants combo). And don’t even get me started with silk scarves…
Aside from the shopping, we did some Bollywood dancing (Hollywood in Mumbai), ate LOTS of delicious food with curry and ginger and some other 100000+ spices, went to SOS Children’s Village (an orphanage) where we played with the kids for hours and then went back there another day because we wanted to see them again.
Next, truly making a connectionw ith the people in India.
Girl Scout destinations transport Girl Scouts to the far corners of the world. Girls meet remarkable friends, develop leadership skills, gain confidence, and enjoy valuable learning opportunities.
Recently, an eager group of Girl Scouts joined San Diego council staff and experienced the excitement of Indian life in the global atmosphere of Sangam: Indian food, outdoor markets, sari shopping, famous sites and Indian art with 11 of their Girl Scout sisters.
Enjoy this series of posts from Karina, one of the Girl Scouts who just returned from the trip of a lifetime! We'll publish these in four installments. Enjoy -- and let is know what you think!
Holy Cow! Maybe that’s not the first thing that pops in your head when you hear “India”. Although, you should know cows are sacred there, which means that you will find McVeggie hamburgers and absolutely no beef at McDonald’s. Well Holy Cow, after the green ink on my passport, it was official. But the madness had started even before. In the midst of excitement, yellow fever shots, pre-travel shopping ( bug repellent, anti-itch cream, tons of stuff and that annoying waist wallet to carry around things I shouldn’t lose); I got back my passport with my 6 month Indian tourist Visa. For some reason, said Visa was signed with not blue or black ink, but green. That was the first of many differences I would find between everything I’m used to…and India.
If I could define my whole trip in one word it would be “different”. But I like to write so here it goes… The first step was applying to the “Essence of India” Destination and being accepted. Then the next step was doing the paperwork, getting vaccines, and a long list of things to do before June 13: the day I flew from San Diego to Newark, NJ to meet the coolest girls ever so we could all fly together to Mumbai and bond on the 18 hour plane ride. When we landed on the moon Mumbai it felt like being out of this world. The air was moist, there was no toilet paper in the restroom (people eat only with their right hand, and it has to do with the purpose of the left/toilet paper hand), people speaking in other languages, women wearing saris, nothing like I would’ve imagined. And I loved it.
A little shuttle took our group through insane traffic, rain and breathtaking landscapes so that after four hours, we got to our final destination: Sangam. Next: having a blast in Pune, with its 98 million people. .
At our Wild Things camp in Escondido, girls take a walk on the wild side, going behind the scenes and learning from the experts at the Wild Animal Park. Back at camp, their imagination runs wild as they play games, create wacky costumes, make art and tackle our challenge course.
Don't you wish you could experience camp firsthand; to run and learn and play like these girls? Here's the next best thing -- our camp staff share their observations with you. During the portable challenge course today, campers were trying to work together to get across a pretend pond by stepping on "lily pads" (wooden boxes). As the last girl was about to step back on to the other side of the pond another girl reached out to grab her hand and said, "Come on! You got it!!" It was a great example of the teamwork and skills we develop through the portable challenge course. --Kit Kat, Counselor
I was lucky enough to listen in as campers debriefed after the challenge course today. When asked, "What did you figure out?" their answers were amazingly insightful! Girls no higher than my waist said things like Teamwork! Responsibility! How to concentrate! Making friends! Powerful stuff, those bits of wood and rope, carefully designed by our outdoor education folks, and lovingly facilitated by our fabulous day camp staff. --Skipper, Outdoor Education Specialist
Today the campers were playing the game "Whoosh" after lunch. They split into two Program Aide-led groups and went to opposite ends of the field so they could both be in the shade. Each group learned the game and played separately for a while, but then they began playing the game between the two groups by shouting across the field. The girls are really imaginative and inventive, and they are constantly changing and improvising games together. --Pirate, Counselor
This is an excerpt of an email and a which includes a forwarded email. Our Program Director, Jen Nation, shared it with her staff. It applies to all the wonderful people who serve Girl Scouts in any capacity: volunteers, staff, donors, board members, parents… Enjoy. When I read this I thought of all of you and all the pride and dedication you have for your jobs. I also thought about the 12,500 adults and 30,000 girls we serve. I know that more than a few times a year you give up your Saturdays (or Sundays, or week nights, or early mornings) to be at a program event, camp or service unit meeting to ensure that our girls and volunteers have a memorable and successful Girl Scouting experience. I hope you each know how much of a difference you make in the lives of so many girls and volunteers, as they are choosing to spend their time with us. I also want to remind you each to take care of yourselves and your families. I know it is sometimes hard balancing your time between work and family, and as much as I appreciate it, I want to be sure you are taking those deep breaths for yourself too. Jen. Marbles The older I get, the more I enjoy Saturday mornings. Perhaps it's the quiet solitude that comes with being the first to rise, or maybe it's the unbounded joy of not having to be at work. Either way, the first few hours of a Saturday morning are most enjoyable. A few weeks ago, I was shuffling toward the garage with a steaming cup of coffee in one hand and the morning paper in the other. What began as a typical Saturday morning turned into one of those lessons that life seems to hand you from time to time. Let me tell you about it… I turned on my ham radio... to listen to a Saturday morning swap net. Along the way, I came across an older sounding chap, with a tremendous signal and a golden voice….He was telling whomever he was talking with something about "a thousand marbles." I was intrigued and stopped to listen to what he had to say. "The average person lives about seventy-five years. I know, some live more and some live less, but on average, folks live about seventy-five years.I multiplied 75 times 52 and I came up with 3900, which is the number of Saturdays that the average person has in their entire lifetime. It took me until I was fifty-five years old to think about all this in any detail", he went on, "and by that time I had lived through over twenty-eight hundred Saturdays." "I got to thinking that if I lived to be seventy-five, I only had about a thousand of them left to enjoy. So I went to a toy store and bought every single marble they had. I ended up having to visit three toy stores to round up 1000 marbles I took them home and put them inside a large, clear plastic container right here in the shack next to my gear." "Every Saturday since then, I have taken one marble out and thrown it away. I found that by watching the marbles diminish, I focused more on the really important things in life.There's nothing like watching your time here on this earth run out to help you get your priorities straight. " This morning, I took the very last marble out of the container. I figure that if I make it until next Saturday then I have been given a little extra time. And the one thing we can all use is a little more time." You could have heard a pin drop on the band when this fellow signed off. I guess he gave us all a lot to think about.I went upstairs and woke my wife up with a kiss. "C'mon honey, I'm taking you and the kids to breakfast." "What brought this on?", she asked with a smile. "Oh, nothing special, it's just been a long time since we spent a Saturday together with the kids. And hey, can we stop at a toy store while we're out? I need to buy some marbles." E. R. Thrower
We get many nice comments on our Facebook page every day. This recent post from one of our volunteers: a troop leader, mother of two and proud wife of a deployed serviceman, about Operation Thin Mint (R) Sendoff really made us think. "We loved it all! Most of our girls couldn't make it but my daughter and I went (and my honorary Girl Scout son! LOL) and it was incredible!! Our first time. I lead a Kindergarten Daisy Troop but we will definitely be going every year. When they played "Proud to be an American" I was bawling, probably looked like insane but my husband is deployed to Iraq right now so that was hard, my son cried too.
We got pictures with the Admiral and with General Bailey, the kids loved all the men and women in uniform.
It reminds us why we have to let their Daddy go.
It was an amazing ceremony!! I loved seeing the Coast Guard helicopter pick up the cookies, that woman [Petty Officer 2nd Class Megan Mansfield-Smith] is amazing! My daughter can't wait to be her now. :)"
Shaylynn, Troop Leader
 When Juliette Gordon Low founded Girl Scouts in 1912, women playing basketball would cover the gymnasium windows lest they shock an innocent passerby. Thankfully, those days are long gone, thanks to women pioneers in athletic, like longtime Girl Scout volunteer Fran Styles.
Fran was San Diego’s first woman athletic director. She competes in the national Senior Olympic games, bringing home medals in track, archery, and yes—basketball!
Countless San Diego-area girls and their leaders learned to hit the bulls-eye thanks to her. To honor her selfless dedication to Girl Scouts, the new Fran Styles Archery Range at our Balboa Campus will be named in her honor, Tuesday, June 15!
 For every… S’more you’ve toasted, Patch you’ve sewn, Cookie box you’ve counted, Hug you’ve given, Toothless grin you’ve inspired, Tear you’ve dried, Swap you’ve created, Seat belt you’ve buckled, Trail you’ve trekked, Fire you’ve kindled, Song that’s filled your car, Giggle fit you’ve started, Green shirt you’ve worn, Meeting you’ve attended, Squabble you’ve ended, Bridging girl you’ve cried for, And for every time you’ve promised to make the world a better place… We thank you.
"This is a place where you only have to bring the best of you. Leave all of the unwanted pieces behind. Just be you."
This is the best advice I've ever received. It was not in a classroom, it was not at a church, it was not on a computer screen; it was around a campfire. I have been fortunate to have the opportunity to be part of a community of women focused on inspiring and empowering young girls through Girl Scouts and the camp atmosphere. This is a place where we are allowed to leave negativity at home and spend time refreshing our attitude, enjoying the world around us, and focusing on human connections.
As a camp counselor, I get to work on my own growth while encouraging the young Girl Scouts around me to grow. We teach traditional camp responsibilities such as building shelter, fire safety and wilderness awareness. In addition, however, the camp staff works hard to give each girl tools to explore her own independence and learn not only about herself, but also how the world works around her. Girls are encouraged to speak their minds and support their Girl Scout sisters. Counselors spend time learning how to appropriately facilitate young campers' thoughts and let them know that they matter, their thoughts and ideas are important and they have the potential to change the world around them. My own experience at camp has brought me so much joy and taught me so many valuable lessons. I have learned the importance of taking risks and trying new things. In the span of two weeks, I learned to canoe, worked with fellow campers to complete a teambuilding ropes course, shot an arrow and practiced key survival skills. In addition to learning how to teach various activities and ensure campers' safety, I learned to cure homesickness, befriend the wilderness and encourage girls to be themselves. In a fast-paced world of mixed messages that demand young women conform to society's outrageous expectations, camp is a place where everyone can let go, laugh, sing, dance and even be a little silly without the world peering over their shoulder. I am extremely proud of the fact that I spend all the time I can supporting a program geared at molding the future woman leaders of our ever-changing world. These girls have inspired me to learn something new every day, and use it, to strive for my best, and not forget to enjoy the journey. My experience at camp taught me not just to listen, but listen actively; not just to work hard, but work passionately; and not just to learn, but learn with the intention of teaching others. Kayla, our author, grew up in Girl Scouting and is in an active Ambassador troop. She has been through Counselor-in-Training, an intensive one- to two-week resident camp where girls entering grades 11-12 learn what it takes to be a counselor and gain experience working directly with campers. Kayla will be a camp counselor this summer.
Happy Birthday to us! Girl Scout Birthday is just around the corner! On March 12, 1912, Juliette Gordon Low officially registered our first 18 girl members in Savannah, Georgia. Her vision for Girl Scouting is as meaningful today as it was nearly 100 years ago.
Several local city councils have issued proclamations recognizing this year’s Girl Scout Week (March 7-13). During this happy time of year, the community celebrates our efforts and the accomplishments of our Girl Scouts—our future leaders of America and the world! I am proud to accept to accept these public recognitions on behalf of our council’s other 12,500 adult volunteers.
Board President Solveig Deuprey and I just returned from a national conference of Girl Scout CEOs and chairs. We’re happy to report that Girl Scouting is alive and well across our country. Just like Juliette Low, our leadership is deeply concerned about girl issues and dedicated to keeping programming relevant. Juliette’s legacy was evident in the energy at the conference and the continuing commitment to delivering a high quality Girl Scout experience. She would be proud of the passion we all continue to have for Girl Scouting. We are truly making a difference in girls’ lives every day.
Let’s celebrate everything we’ve accomplished since that first Girl Scout gathering in Savannah. And thank you for all you do for Girl Scouting! Jo Dee C. Jacob, CEO
 So you've sent your daughter to Girl Scout day camp for a the past few summers. And she had a blast. Can't stop talking about all the fun she had, the things she learned and the friends she made. Now she's ready to take the next step and go away to overnight camp for four to five days. Or is she? We get this question every year from parents who are just not sure... Girl Scouting is all about encouraging girls to discover how strong they can be. After all, we are the world's best leadership organization for girls. So, we've put together this little online quiz to help you see if your camper is ready for overnight camp. Of course, you know your daughter better than anyone else does. But this quiz might help you know what personality traits and other indicators to consider. Take a few minutes and see what it tells you. The questions are intended to make you think, and to suggest a few steps you can take with your camper to get her ready for that next big step. If she's not quite ready to sleep away from home, not to worry. We offer day camps for girls entering kindergarten through sixth grade that fit a variety of interests and abilities. As your camper progresses and gains self-assurance at these camps, she'll learn leadership skills that help her build the confidence to move on to overnight camps--and to conquer other challenges that she faces! We are always eager to hear from you. Let us know what you think.
Do you remember how much fun you had at summer camp? Cooking outside, seeing a deer "in person," learning to make new friends and deal with the occasional bug or spider.
Well, we want all Girl Scouts in San Diego and Imperial Valley to have those same great memories.
So every year, we think about ways to help more girls go to camp, especially girls who have never had the camp experience.
This year, we're trying something new with summer camp fees.
We've started a three-tiered fee structure that allows every family to choose the camp fee that work best for them and their and financial situation. It's something new for us--and it's working pretty well.
In most cases, families are selecting either the middle or high tier, because that's what they can afford and are used to spending.
In other cases, families are using the lowest fee, and are sending their daughter to camp, maybe for the first time. In other cases, they're choosing the lowest fee, but are now able to send their daughter to two camps instead of one.
We're happy with the results, and hoping to see even more girls come to camp this year. We have a lot of great day camp and resident camp programs. Something for everyone.
At the turn of the new year, I received an email entitled "Handbook for 2010." I decided to check out this handbook and see if it related to me in any way.
After reading through the nearly 40 tips , I started to think about how I could share them. I thought about Girl Scout volunteers and how hard they work to ensure the safety and well-being of their troops and groups. I thought about folks giving up their nights and weekends for troop meetings, the gas in their vehicles driving to and from trips, and cell phone minutes to call troop members and remind them of upcoming program events and overnights.
I thought, who better to share these tips with, than the people who brighten my day by giving up their time and talent to push the Girl Scout movement forward. Here are a few of those tips: - Drink plenty of water.
- Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.
- Live with the three E's - Energy, Enthusiasm and Empathy
- Play more games.
- Sleep for seven hours.
- Take a 10 to 30-minute walk daily. And while you walk, smile.
- Don't overdo. Keep your limits.
- Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
- Don't waste your precious energy on gossip.
- Dream more while you are awake.
- Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others.
- Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.
- Smile and laugh more.
- You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
- Each day give something good to others.
- Forgive everyone for everything.
- Spend time with people over the age of 70 and under the age of six.
- Try to make at least three people smile each day.
- Do the right thing!
- Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
- However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
- No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
- The best is yet to come.
Jen Nation Director of Program Girl Scouts, San Diego-Imperial Council
Black History Month
Honoring African American Leadership in Girl Scouts during Black History Month -- February Girl Scouts, San Diego-Imperial Council is proud to celebrate the diversity and culture of African Americans, across the USA and beyond. During Black History Month, we honor our National Honorary President of Girl Scouts of the USA, First Lady Michelle Obama and African American Girl Scout leaders and volunteers who make a difference in our council and the community all year long. First Lady Michelle Obama is Honorary National President of Girl Scouts of the USA
"It is my great pleasure to serve as Honorary National President of Girl Scouts," said Mrs. Obama. "With their innovative new programming, ground-breaking research, and emphasis on service and leadership, Girl Scouts is preparing the women of tomorrow to be a positive force for change - in their own lives, their communities, and across the globe." In accepting the position, Mrs. Obama takes her place in a tradition stretching back to 1917, when First Lady Edith B. Wilson became the first Honorary National President of the Girl Scout movement. Since then, each successive First Lady has served in this post.
Read more about our local leaders and outstanding volunteers.
 I t’s Miranda Panda, our 2010 Cookie Program mascot! You might have met her at our recent Cookie Kickoff at the San Diego Zoo, or seen her groovy cookie program incentives.
Get to know Miranda and her panda pals with these fun facts:
- When pandas are born, they have no hair and are only about the size of a stick of butter. They can grow to weigh more than 300 pounds!
- Pandas spend at least 12 hours a day eating. They eat mostly bamboo and love occasional sweet treats such as apples and honey (except for Miranda, who prefers Girl Scout Cookies).
- Young pandas are curious and playful. They like to do somersaults and play with “toys” like blocks of ice. Watch pandas play with their icy birthday “cakes” at the San Diego Zoo!
- The only wild pandas in the world live in the mountainous bamboo forests of southwestern China.
- Pandas seem pretty quiet, but giant pandas can bleat, roar, growl and honk. They say a friendly “hello” by bleating like a lamb.
- Pandas are endangered animals—there are only about 1,600 left on Earth due to their shrinking habitat and food supply. See how caring kids like you are taking action to help save the pandas.
More panda-monium!
See what Su Lin, Zhen Zhen, Bai Yun, Yun Zi and Gao Gao are up to at the San Diego Zoo. Check out their Panda Cam and blog.
Make Panda Pita Pockets.
Want to learn more? Visit the San Diego Zoo or National Geographic Kids panda pages.
And just for fun… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzRH3iTQPrk
We got this message from one of the over 15,000 girls who are selling Girl Scout Cookies in neighborhoods throughout San Diego and Imperial Counties.
Her letter (included below as she emailed it to us) represents the many positive comments we've received from enthusiastic girls and their parents about our new Cookies NOW! program, where girls have boxes of cookies to sell from the start of the cookie program. "Instant cookie gratification.""Hi. This is awesome!
Thank you, thank you thank you. i went to my dad's work and everyone loved my cookie mobile. i taped samples of each box to my mobile boards and i had vons bags so they could load up on buying cookies. i ran out of cookies and i need to get more. i printed out recipe cards and put them on my board and i printed out thank you cards for each customer.
I really think this way of selling is way better and a lot more fun. I hope Girl Scouts does it this way again next year!!!
thank you Hope "We love the way she thought of including shopping bags so her customers can easily buy a LOT of cookies. Can you see why the Girl Scout Cookie program is the nation's premiere entrepreneurship program for girls? When you see a Girl Scout selling cookies, ask her what she's learned by participating in the cookie program. Chances are, you'll be impressed! We'd love to hear from you. Thank you for supporting the Girl Scout Cookie program.

Operation Thin Mint (R) (OTM) sends a taste of home and a note to show we care to service men and women throughout the world.
By selling Operation Thin Mint (R) cookies, San Diego and Imperial Valley area Girl Scouts make sure their local cookie program has a global impact. Since 2002, area girls and their customers have sent nearly 1.5 million boxes of OTM cookies and countless handwritten notes to grateful military troops stationed all over the world.
The process is simple.
Girl Scouts ask their customers to buy Operation Thin Mint(R) cookies. They provide their customers with a receipt, and those cookies are earmarked for a trip overseas.
"Troops halfway around the world look forward to receiving a favorite taste of home from San Diego, said CEO Jo Dee C. Jacob, and a retired Navy captain. "I don't want to disappoint a single sailor, Marine, airman or soldier."
Look for the opportunity to buy your Operation Thin Mint(R) cookies when local Girl Scouts start selling cookies in your neighborhood Sunday, January 31, 2010. Starting Friday, February 19, you'll find Girl Scout troops at booths near malls, shopping centers and other areas in your community. More information: visit http://www.sdgirlscouts.org/.
 In 2009, nearly 2,000 troops from San Diego and Imperial counties earned an average of $905 by participating in the cookie program. 57 troops earned more than $2,500! Troop proceeds supported community service projects and activities and allowed girls to attend camp or travel. Check out these success stories: Troop 8701 of Scripps Ranch Service Unit used their cookie proceeds to provide 10 homeless children with school supplies. The girls delivered the supplies themselves, and were so moved by the challenges other kids their age face that they now make regular donations to help out in whatever small way they can.
Troop 4358 of Fallbrook rocked their first cookie season last year. They donated a portion of their proceeds to the local food pantry and participated in the Fallbrook Crop Walk to fight hunger, then spent a day in the sun at Knott's Berry Farm. Troop 3345 of Allied Gardens Service Unit bridged to Girl Scout Cadettes on the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. At first, "the girls were excited about the idea but were not sure if they could raise enough money to go," said their co-leader Michelle Archuleta. "I told them that they can do anything they put their minds to and succeed"–and they did. By the end of cookie season, they had earned enough money for all 10 girls to go to San Francisco. They toured and explored the city, walked over the Golden Gate Bridge and wrapped up their trip with a spectacular fireworks show over the bay. After three years of planning and saving, Troop 4444 of Vista Nueva Service Unit spent two weeks trekking through Kings Canyon, Yosemite and the Grand Canyon. They learned about native plant life from a Kings Canyon ranger and helped clear an invasive grass from a section of the trail. "Most of the troop had never been in a national park and we wanted to explore California," said their leader, Lana Purnell. "We had a fabulous time, hiked to Vernal Falls, saw bears in Kings Canyon and made memories that will last a lifetime." To celebrate their Girl Scout years together as they bridged to adults, Troop 8436 of Canyon Crest Service Unit saved half of their cookie money every year since they were in first grade to take an unforgettable, week-long trip to Hawaii. Pretty good goal setting, right? What will YOU do with your cookie proceeds? Let us know.
We celebrate the life and honor the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Our mission is to build girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. A Girl Scout's commitment to diversity is woven into everything she does, beginning with the Girl Scout Promise and Law, the foundation of all Girl Scout activities.
In 1956, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. called Girl Scouts of the USA a "force for desegregation." Today, we continue to focus on building a diverse groups of girls who will become leaders who will make Dr. King proud.

Revamped Girl Scout program delivers instant [cookie] gratification! Cookies Now! And Thank U Berry Munch cookie debut January 31
Good news, San Diegans: No more waiting for your Thin Mints and Samoas!
When the 2010 Girl Scout Cookie Program begins on Sunday, January 31, more than 15,000 local Girl Scouts will pull “cookie mobiles” (carts and wagons filled with cases of cookies) through their neighborhoods. This new, one-step Cookies Now! system lets customers buy and enjoy their treats immediately, rather than pre-ordering and waiting for delivery.
Every penny earned through the Girl Scout Cookie Program stays in San Diego and Imperial Valley to keep Girl Scouting available and affordable for 31,000 girl and 12,800 adult members, regardless of their financial circumstances. Cookie proceeds fund troop service projects, field trips, travel and other activities, as well as the local council’s programs, camps and volunteer training.
Thank U Berry Munch – a crunchy new cookie featuring tart cranberries and white fudge chips – joins the 2010 line-up of Thin Mints, Tagalongs, Do-Si-Dos, Samoas, Trefoils, Dulce de Leche and Lemon Chalet Cremes. Girl Scout Cookies are kosher, preservative-free, contain 0 grams trans fat per serving, and—for the seventh year—sell for $4 per box.
Learn more about supporting local Girl Scouts by purchasing cookies.